


Jessica is looking forward to getting to know her patients and providing them with personalized care. She stated she recognized the need for quality care in a rural setting since she grew up in a small town. 杰西卡成为私人助理的灵感来自于她童年时期与医疗服务提供者的多次互动. 她“开始欣赏他们为医疗领域带来的价值, 他们如何使医疗保健变得容易获得, 提供高质量的护理."

Jessica’s treatment style is to utilize evidence-based medicine in conjunction with the patient’s preferences. 她坚持不制定一刀切的治疗方案. Jessica has already had the pleasure of visiting with patients and has enjoyed their welcoming demeanor.


“我很高兴能加入Alliance社区. 我在钱皮恩的一个农场长大, 内布拉斯加州,我在一所只有两个房间的学校里上幼儿园和一年级. 我高中毕业于内布拉斯加州帝国的蔡斯县学校. 毕业后, I attended Chadron State College where I had my first encounter with BBGH by shadowing Brittney Bauer at the Hemingford clinic on a few occasions. I then attended UNMC for PA school to further pursue my dreams of providing quality primary care in rural Nebraska. 私人助理学校的一部分包括在不同的专业进行为期一个月的临床轮转, one of my rotations led to a second interaction with BBGH; as I spent one month learning OB and family practice right alongside Dr. 沙佛.

我一直是一个小镇女孩,我知道我想回到内布拉斯加州的农村, 但在BBGH诊所的经历让我下定了决心! 工作人员在他们的专业领域都非常熟练,并且很热情. 此外, 这个社区对他们的医疗保健系统感到自豪,这一点不应该被忽视.

我很高兴也很荣幸能够为博克斯巴特县的社区提供医疗服务. 我是一名家庭医生, 也就是说,我为所有年龄段的急性和慢性疾病患者看病. 作为一名医疗服务提供者,我的目标是让我的病人能够投资并掌控自己的健康. 我努力让我的病人感到被倾听, 理解, 在应对维持健康的挑战的同时保持尊严. 我期待着更多地参与IM电竞App官网的社区,并与你们单独见面!"

在BBGH之外的时间里,杰西卡喜欢跑步,拼图,游戏和钩针编织. She enthusiastically expressed that she enjoys to be around people and is always ready to do something new!

杰西卡的轮换将是周三的GNMSS-Hyannis和周一的GNMSS-Alliance, 周二, 和周五. 她正在接受新病人.
